Mayor’s Community Update: April 22, 2022
Published April 22, 2022

Happy Earth Day! What a great week in the Borough! We have a big update today with so many exciting things, new projects, and improvements going on in our community! Please be sure to support all our wonderful local establishments and SHOP NP!
Here is a catch up of this past week in New Providence and some of the many exciting things upcoming and going on in our community:
New Providence has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. It is the tenth consecutive year, and the eleventh year overall, that New Providence has been recognized. Outstanding! Read more

PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES: At long last! Crews began the installation of the new pedestrian bridges at Mee Lane and Dunlap Street. Although the bridges are in place, they are not complete. Crews will continue working to anchor them to the concrete abutments, pour additional concrete where needed and restore the surrounding landscaping. Please stay off the structures until work is complete. Read more:

– Welcome to the Neighborhood! We welcomed ‘Zumbini with Allie’ (located at 309 South Street) to our New Providence family of businesses with a ribbon cutting. Allie is also a resident! ‘Zumbini with Allie’ has planned for this Sunday 4/24 11am-3pm a FREE Indoor/Outdoor Grand Opening Event for Families with children Ages 0-8 with free music/entertainment, Italian Ice and more! For more information please call 908-872-7850 or visit their website at

The New Providence Historical Society held their annual dinner with an excellent program on “Remembering the Ladies. Women of the Revolution,” presented by Joel Farkas. In addition to all the fun facts and interesting historical information our Historical Society has been sharing and educating our community with, they also are hosting an upcoming Craft Fair on the grounds of the Salt Box Museum 1350 Springfield Ave on May 7th and a Flea Market with a wide array of venerable treasures on June 11th. New Providence Historical Archives in the Mason Room (in the back of the New Providence Library) is open to the public every Tuesday 10am-12pm (and by appointment!) and the second Saturday of each month 11am – 1pm Read more: You can also take a virtual tour of the Salt Box Museum: To learn more about the New Providence Historical Society or to join please visit

– In Celebration of 🌎 Earth Day/Week we are continuing to give away more free reusable shopping bags at our Recreation Department Office M-F 8:30am-4:30pm while supplies last. Free reusable shopping bags will also be distributed at some upcoming community events where noted including the FREE TREE SAPLING GIVE AWAY tomorrow, Saturday 4/23 outside the New Providence Memorial Library. Please try to take some time to get outside, walk/bike/stroll our beautiful community and enjoy all that nature has provided. Let us also take this time be mindful of our responsibility to protect our natural resources. It’s Earth Day everyday at Trailside 452 New Providence Road Mountainside. Admission and parking are free. (For more information please visit Read more:

– The DPW distributed free reuseable shopping bags during recycling hours this past Saturday at the Public Works yard located at 4 Park Place off of Commonwealth Avenue (next to Oakwood Park). As a reminder, the NJ bag ban goes into effect on May 4th – you must bring/use your own shopping bags at stores once the ban goes into effect. Recycling drop off is located at the Department of Public Works and available the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. You can drop off electronics, appliances, metal, and heavy plastic. For more information please visit Public Works: . Please also check our Borough Calendar for exact dates and more information:
– Milling and Paving Work is scheduled to begin around the Borough on Monday, April 25th. During the milling operation you will be able to use the road with caution. Please keep checking the Borough website at for updates and changes. Pavings will begin on approximately May 2nd. During the paving operation you will need to have your car out of your driveway before they start. Please have any garbage or recycling out the night before work is scheduled on your road and it will be picked up before they start working on your road at 7am. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and cooperation while this important work is done. If you have questions, please call 908-665-1076. For current milling and paving schedules and to read more:
– We’re celebrating! Please join us for the long awaited for Grand Re-Opening of the DeCorso Center on Thursday, April 28th from 10am-noon. Festivities will include a ribbon cutting, music, tours of the newly renovated center, refreshments, and giveaways. Come see how great the center looks and hear about what we have planned for the future! RSVPs appreciated for planning purposes (but not required) by Monday, April 25th. Please call (908) 665- 0046 or email for more information or to RSVP.
– The Distracted Driver Campaign continues. SAFETY FIRST! PUT DOWN THE PHONE WHEN YOU DRIVE! This is still being very strictly enforced! UDrive. UText. UPay. Read more:
– Utility upgrades are continuing around the Borough. Please continue to expect delays and detours. We continually communicate on our end with the utility companies to find out when/where they are coming and continually inform them of best times (least traffic disruption) and paving schedules etc. Despite our best efforts the utility companies unfortunately are often not always the best at keeping us informed when/where they will be working or for how long. Please be patient while this important work continues.
– Grass, brush, and garden debris will be collected in separate garbage cans without lids borough-wide on MONDAYS through Dec 12th.

The Vigil for Ukraine has been postponed. As soon as our Interfaith Clergy Council reschedules we will let you know. In the meantime please continue to keep the people of Ukraine and all their loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. We stand with Ukraine. Read more
– Our Memorial Day Parade will be back in-person along Springfield Ave on Monday May 30th 10am in cooperation with the American Legion Post #433. For more details or if your group is interested in marching this year please email or call (908)464-4430.
– May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. In addition to the many influences of AAPI including cultural food, is fitness and wellness culture, including yoga, martial arts, and acupuncture. Our Diversity Committee is planning an AAPI Culture and Food Month as well as Restaurant Week.

In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, New Providence Recreation and the New Providence Diversity Committee invite you for FREE Qi gong classes. Appropriate for all levels. Registration is required via CommunityPass at Please call the Recreation Department with any questions and for more details (908) 464-4430.
– Our Recreation Department has many exciting upcoming activities! Read more: Please also keep up to date with Recreation Community Activities at
– The Borough will be hosting and sponsoring a July 3rd celebration! This is a return to our great tradition of family and fun to celebrate our country’s Independence. Stay tuned for details!

NPCOVID19 Update:
Community Level thankfully has remained LOW. Read more:
Mayor and Council Meeting Update In A Minute:
Borough Council Meetings:
NPTV Schedule:
Smart911 Community Alert System:
New Providence Calendar:
Borough Contact Information and Action Line:
Public Works:
New Providence Memorial Library:
Turkey Tracks Newsletter of the New Providence Historical Society:
Keep informed with Borough information:
Website –
Facebook – @newprovnj
Twitter – @newprovnj
Please feel free to contact me anytime about any issue. Your concerns are my concerns. We are here to serve you! We are a team effort here in NP! Thank you to our outstanding Borough Council, our dedicated administration, employees and staff, our selfless volunteers, and to all of you for making our community such an incredible place! Have a great weekend and week ahead! We are Pioneer Strong!
– Mayor Al Morgan
Posted in Al's Community Updates